Themis Information for Honoraries
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About Themis
Themis is the integrated administration system which supports the documentation and management of Finance, Human Resources, Research and Environment, Health and Safety processes at the University.
Staff responsibilities automatically granted when you activate your Themis account:
- UOM Staff Self Service - enables you to view and record your personal information
- UOM Research Self Service - allows you to administer aspects of your research such as funding applications and ethics approvals.
The Staff Self Service responsibility. The Research Self Service responsibility
Public Staff Profile
The Public Staff Profile function in Themis enables you to update profile details which will be visible to the public, including: contact and location details, qualifications, areas of research expertise, international linkages, languages and biography details. This function may be accessed via your Staff Self Service or Research Self Service responsibility. See
Research Publications Collection
The University of Melbourne annually collects data on all research publications published by staff and students of the University. All Honoraries are encouraged to enter any University research publications into Themis using the Publications Workbench. Instructions for recording publications in themis are here:
Setting/Resetting your Themis password
You must have an active email (staff or research student) account in order to set/reset your Themis password. As it takes 24 hours to create an email account, you will not be able to create your email account and Themis account on the same day. Once you have an active email account:
- Open a web browser and navigate to the Accounts Registration System (ARS) website (
- Select Staff.
- Enter your staff details and click Login - the points made for resetting you mail password (above) also apply here
- Make a note of your username
- Click on the Set or Reset button for your "themisprod" (Themis Service) account.
- Enter and confirm your new Themis password and click on the Submit button.
If your change has been successful you will receive a confirmation.
Logging into Themis
- Open a browser and navigate to
- Login using the username and password you have set for Themis
Getting Assistance
RMHIT Cluster IT Support
(Departments of Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry, Radiology, Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
Online support request form:
Themis Service Desk
The Themis website ( provides written support in a variety of formats:
The Themis Service Desk team provides technical assistance from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Online support request form:
Phone: 8344 9500